Department of Library, Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College (NGMCPUB), Pollachi 642001, TamilNadu, India

The Department of Library at Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College has established a significant scholarly initiative—NGMCPUB—dedicated to the dissemination of academic research and publications. NGMCPUB functions as a comprehensive publishing platform, hosting a suite of online, peer-reviewed, and refereed open-access journals. This undertaking is a testament to the department’s commitment to fostering academic rigor and making scholarly work widely accessible, thereby actively contributing to the global knowledge ecosystem. Furthermore, NGMCPUB facilitates the publication of diverse academic outputs including not only the aforementioned journals but also individual research articles, completed theses, and insightful book reviews, underscoring its dedication to serving the varied needs of the academic community, providing a robust and multifaceted avenue for showcasing the breadth and depth of scholarly pursuits.

Mission: Fueling Innovation Through Trusted Publishing

NGMCPUB serves as a trusted and reliable platform for publishing cutting-edge research that sparks innovation and positive societal impact. Through close collaborations with researchers and scholars worldwide, we strive to expand the frontiers of scientific knowledge. We are committed to ethical publishing practices, an efficient publishing process, and a customer-centric approach, all aimed at accelerating the pace of research discovery. For over a decade, NGMCPUB has had the privilege of working with thousands of scholars globally, upholding rigorous scientific standards that prioritize the quality and impact of research over potential profit.

Vision: Expanding Knowledge and Empowering Researchers

Our vision is to offer a credible and enriching publishing experience to both established and emerging researchers seeking to contribute to the growing body of scientific knowledge across various disciplines. NGMCPUB fosters forward-thinking dialogue within the academic community by:

  • Ensuring Rigorous Peer Review: We maintain a transparent and robust peer-review process at all stages of publishing.
  • Effective Global Dissemination: We rapidly and effectively disseminate vetted scientific research to a worldwide audience.
  • Promoting Underrepresented Research: We actively support the expansion and advancement of research in emerging and often overlooked areas