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Manuscript Guidelines

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Publication Guidelines for the Academic Research Journal of Science and Technology (ARJST)

The Academic Research Journal of Science and Technology (ARJST) is committed to publishing high-quality research. To ensure a smooth submission and review process, all submitted articles must adhere to the following mandatory criteria. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the immediate rejection of the manuscript by the editorial team.

Mandatory Submission Criteria:

  • Manuscript Preparation: Articles must strictly follow the detailed manuscript preparation guidelines outlined in the section below.
  • File Format: Submissions must be in Microsoft Word format only.
  • Cover Letter: Each article requires a separate cover letter. Please refer to the “Cover Letter” section below for specific requirements.
  • Formatting: The manuscript must be formatted in a single column, using Times New Roman font, with a 12-point font size. Maintain a simple and uncluttered layout.
  • Equations and Formulae: Equations and formulae must be clear and readable. Authors are encouraged to use equation editing software (e.g., MathType). Alternatively, if specialized fonts are used, these must be provided with the submission.
  • Figure Quality: All figures included in the manuscript must be of high resolution, preferably 300 dpi.
  • References: References must be formatted according to the Vancouver Style of Referencing.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines:

Authors submitting to the Academic Research Journal of Science and Technology (ARJST) are expected to adhere to the following structure and formatting guidelines. Before submitting, please consult the author checklist at the end of this document to ensure compliance. The manuscript should be organized chronologically as follows:

  • Title: A concise and specific title reflecting the article’s topic.
  • Abstract: A summary of the research.
  • Keywords: Terms for indexing purposes.
  • Introduction: Background and context of the research.
  • Concept Headings: Sections detailing the research, including statistical methodology if applicable.
  • Discussion: Interpretation of the findings.
  • Conclusion: Summary of the key findings and their implications.
  • Acknowledgements (If applicable): Recognition of contributions or funding.
  • References: A complete list of cited sources.

Cover Letter:

The corresponding author is responsible for writing the cover letter, which should clearly articulate the manuscript’s suitability for publication in the Academic Research Journal of Science and Technology (ARJST). The letter must include the names of all authors (preferably with their signatures) and a statement confirming that the article is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration by any other publication besides ARJST. If the manuscript is authored by a student, it is required to obtain approval from their institution’s department prior to submission.

Electronic Formats:

Please submit your article in MS Word (.doc) format. For any difficulties encountered during the submission process or concerns regarding file suitability, please contact the editorial team at editor@ngmc.ac.in.

Article Title:

The title should be concise, specific, and accurately reflect the article’s topic. Avoid using abbreviations in the title. Capitalize all words except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions (Title Case). All botanical names must be italicized.

  • Example: An Experimental Study of Classification Algorithms for Crime Prediction

Author Names & Affiliations:

Provide the full first name (or initials if preferred), middle name (or initials if used), and surname for each author. Affiliation details for each author should include the department, university or organization, city, state, and country. Designate one author as the corresponding author by placing an asterisk (*) after their name. Only the corresponding author’s email address should be included in the article. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the author list and the summary of individual contributions to the study.

Abstract & Keywords:

The abstract serves as an introduction to the article and should not exceed 300 words. It should briefly outline the techniques or samples used, mention any modifications to established methods (without extensive detail), and summarize the most significant results. Avoid citations and minimize the use of abbreviations within the abstract.

The abstract must be structured with the following subheadings:

  • Objectives:
  • Methods:
  • Findings:
  • Novelty:
  • Keywords:

Following the abstract, provide 4-6 keywords for indexing purposes. Keywords should be written in Title Case and separated by commas. Avoid using general or plural terms and combining multiple concepts (e.g., avoid using “and” or “of”).

Formatting Headings

  • To enhance clarity in the article, we recommend authors to number headings in the Arabic style format.
  • Headings should follow title case format, where all words except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions should be capitalized.
  • Botanical names should be in italics. For instance: 1. Finite Element Modelling (FEM)


  • Define all abbreviations on first use in the text along with the abbreviation in parenthesis. For example: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Units and Symbols

  • Use symbols while referring to alpha, beta, mu, etc (Ex: α, β, µ, etc)
  • All units should follow the International System of Units (SI units).

Figures: General Guidelines

  • Figures should be submitted in TIFF, JPEG or EPS format, and should be created at a minimum resolution of 300 ppi.
  • File size should not exceed 20 MB.
  • Naming of figure files should be simple, indicating the serial number and last name of the author.
  • All figures must be cited in the text, and figure captions should be brief, having 10-15 words in sentence case style.
  • Obtain permission from authors for copyright figures and tables before submitting to the journal.
  • Figures will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Tables: General Guidelines

  • Tables should be included in the text file at the end of the article.
  • Tables should have a concise title and written as Table 1 with a period (.).
  • Footnotes can be used to explain abbreviations.
  • Tables extending beyond 1 page should be avoided.


  • People who contributed to the work but do not fit the criteria for authors should be listed in the Acknowledgments.
  • Authors are requested to ensure that anyone named in the Acknowledgments agrees to being so named.


  • Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list.
  • In-text citations: citation should be of increasing numerical order [1], [2], [3] etc.
  • Reference List: This should only contain references to those works which you have cited in your text. It should be arranged numerically increasing citation order [1], [2], [3] etc. under ‘References’. Each article listed under ‘Reference’ should carry DOI number or publication hyperlink (url).

Manuscript Production Process for Academic Research Journal of Science and Technology (ARJST)

Upon acceptance of your manuscript, the ARJST production team will contact you to initiate the production process. Your manuscript will undergo a thorough editing phase to ensure clarity, completeness, and adherence to journal standards. The production team will notify you of any missing information or inconsistencies requiring your attention. This communication represents the final opportunity for authors to make amendments to their manuscript.

Following the finalization of the edited files, the manuscript will proceed to typesetting, generating the first proofs. These proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for a final review and the resolution of any remaining queries. Please note that this proofreading stage is intended for identifying typesetting errors, not for making further revisions to the content. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this process to ensure a smooth workflow and the timely publication of the journal issue.

Pre-Submission Checklist for Authors

To ensure a seamless submission process, we strongly recommend reviewing the following items before uploading your article to our platform. Should you encounter any difficulties during submission, please contact us at indjst@iseeadyar.org or indjst@gmail.com.

  • Cover Letter: Include a cover letter with the names of all authors.
  • Adherence to Guidelines: Verify that your manuscript complies with the journal’s formatting and submission guidelines.
  • Author Affiliations: Ensure that the affiliations for all authors are clearly provided.
  • Corresponding Author Email: Confirm that the email address for the corresponding author is included.
  • Figure and Table Citations: Double-check that all figures and tables are explicitly referenced within the manuscript text.
  • Figure Upload: Verify that all figures have been successfully uploaded to the online submission platform.

Here’s a breakdown of the changes and why they were made:

Production Process:

  • More active voice: “the ARJST editorial team will contact you” instead of “authors will be contacted.” This makes the writing more direct and clear.
  • Stronger verbs: “initiate the production process,” “undergo a thorough editing phase” instead of more passive phrasing.
  • Improved flow: Combining sentences for conciseness and smoother transitions.
  • Clearer explanation: Explicitly stating the purpose of the author communication (“This communication represents the final opportunity…”).
  • Positive framing: “We appreciate your cooperation” instead of just stating a restriction.
  • Concise phrasing: “identifying typesetting errors” is more specific than “resolve any pending queries.”

Author Checklist:

  • More direct and action-oriented: “To ensure a seamless submission process, we strongly recommend reviewing…” instead of a question.
  • Stronger verbs in the bullet points: “Include,” “Verify,” “Ensure,” “Confirm,” “Double-check.”
  • Conciseness: Slightly tighter wording in some points.
  • Improved clarity: Rephrasing some points for better understanding.

This revised version aims to be more professional, easier to understand, and more helpful for authors submitting to the journal.

Author Guidelines for Manuscript Submission to Academic Research Journal of Science and Technology (ARJST)

This document outlines the guidelines for submitting manuscripts to the Academic Research Journal of Science and Technology (ARJST). Please carefully review these instructions before submitting your work online.

Submission Platform:

Submit your manuscript online through the ARJST website: https://publications.ngmc.ac.in/submit-research-paper-to-online-journals/ by clicking the “Submit Manuscript” button and registering as an Author. Contact us if you encounter any difficulties during the submission process.

Pre-Submission Preparation:

Before submitting, please familiarize yourself with the ARJST Author Guidelines available at: https://publications.ngmc.ac.in/author-guidelines-arjst/.

Required File Attachments:

You need to prepare and attach the following files separately:

1. Signed Declaration Letter (JPEG or PDF):

This letter must affirm the following:

  • The manuscript is original, has not been previously published, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • All authors have consented to the submission.
  • The research was conducted after obtaining necessary institutional permissions and ethical clearance.
  • Briefly state the novelty and importance of your work in three points, each described in a single line.

2. Title Page (Word Document):

This file should contain the following information:

  • Author Details: List the full names, affiliations (including Department and Institution with complete address), and email addresses of all authors.
  • Corresponding Author: Clearly identify the corresponding author and provide their email address and mobile phone number.
  • Acknowledgement: Acknowledge any funding agencies, data sources, clinical support, testing support, or sources of study materials.
  • Contributory Statement: Detail the specific contributions of each author to the manuscript. Include all applicable roles from the following list:
    • Conceptualization of study problem
    • Experimental Design
    • Software or algorithm development
    • Data generation
    • Data analysis
    • Research Guidance
    • Original Drafting
    • Editing & Reviewing
    • For Healthcare Studies: Case examined, Intervention planned & executed, Follow-up studies.
    • Contributory Statement Model (Example for 5 Authors):
      • Conceptualization of study problem: Dr. Aishwarya G.
      • Experimental Design: Dr. Aishwarya G. & Kumaran G.
      • Software or algorithm: Prof. Jalal Ahmad
      • Data analysis: Dr. Nageswara Rao
      • Research Guidance: Natarajan Gajendran
      • Original Drafting or Writing: Aishwarya G.
      • Editing & Reviewing: Dr. Kumaran G.

3. Manuscript (Word Document):

This file contains the complete article content, excluding any author details or information mentioned in the Title Page (to facilitate blind review). The manuscript should be structured as follows:

  • Article Title: Include the title of your article.
  • Abstract: (See specific abstract guidelines below)
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References

Additional Files:

  • Table File (Word Document): Include all tables in a single Word file. Each table should be typed directly within the document (not as images) and separated by page breaks.
  • Image Files (JPEG): Submit all high-resolution images as separate JPEG files.

Manuscript Formatting and Style Guide:

  • Blind Review: Omit author names and affiliations from the manuscript file but retain the article title.
  • Citation Style: Cite references numerically in increasing order within the text (e.g., [1], [2], [3]). Avoid using author names and years for in-text citations. Ensure the order is consistent (e.g., [1], [2], [3], not [1], [5], [3]).
  • Reference List: List references numerically in the same order they appear in the text, adhering to the journal’s style. Include the DOI number or publication URL for each reference.
  • Line Numbers: Insert line numbers throughout the manuscript.
  • Abstract Structure: The abstract should be concise and structured with the following subheadings:
    • Objectives: State the primary goals of the study.
    • Method: Briefly describe the methods used in the research.
    • Findings: Summarize the key results obtained. Include quantitative/comparative/numerical data to support your findings.
    • Novelty: Highlight the novel aspects or contributions of your work.
    • Keywords: Provide a list of relevant keywords.
  • Abstract and Conclusion: Enhance both the abstract and conclusion by incorporating quantitative, comparative, or numerical data to support your findings. Avoid making unsubstantiated claims.
  • Reference Section: Prepare the reference section according to the journal’s style, including DOI numbers or publication URLs. Prioritize recent references (2019-2024). Exclude references older than 2018, except in the “Methodology” section if necessary.
  • Introduction: Focus the introduction on identifying gaps in previous research rather than providing an extensive literature survey. Condense the introduction to a focused paragraph. Clearly articulate the limitations of existing research (approximately 10 relevant references from 2020-2024) and justify how your work addresses these gaps. Generally, avoid references older than 2018 (except in the Methodology section) and refrain from restating historical developments. Present a polished narrative that connects major advancements in the field, pinpoints existing gaps, and clearly explains how your work will address those issues. Avoid a mere narration of literature.
  • Results and Discussion: Provide a detailed discussion comparing your results with previously published state-of-the-art techniques. Explain how and why your findings are superior. Compare and contrast your obtained results with previous publications, explicitly citing these works to demonstrate the novelty of your research.
  • Conclusion: Highlight the novelty and key takeaways of your work in relation to the study objectives. Discuss the limitations of your study and suggest future research directions. Support your claims with quantitative or numerical data. Identify remaining knowledge gaps and clarify how your results have advanced understanding compared to previously published findings

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Tit-Bits

This document outlines the guidelines for preparing and submitting manuscripts for the “Tit-Bits” article format. Adherence to these instructions will ensure efficient processing and consideration of your submission.



Your abstract must provide a concise summary of your work and should include specific quantitative data to highlight key findings.

1. Introduction

The introduction should be brief (approximately one paragraph) and focused. It must highlight the most recent (2020-2024) and highly relevant research findings directly related to your manuscript’s title. Clearly articulate the existing research gaps within these recent publications and convincingly justify the need for your current work. Prioritize citing the most pertinent and recent studies.

2. Methodology

This section should provide detailed information regarding the dataset used in your study. Clearly describe how your methodology was tested, trained, or compared against gold standard methods. Detail any modifications you made to existing methodologies. Avoid including basic methodological details or elaborations on widely known information.

3. Results and discussion

This section should present your findings and critically discuss their significance. Clearly demonstrate how your results are superior to previously published claims. Compare and contrast your findings with results reported in relevant prior publications, providing appropriate citations for each comparison. Remember that while the introduction identifies research gaps in recent work, this section focuses on aligning your results with established findings to highlight advancements.

4. Conclusion

The conclusion should explicitly state how the objectives of your work were fulfilled. Present the novel outcomes of your research, directly linking them back to your initial objectives. Enrich this section with quantitative data that supports your conclusions. Provide a comparative statement outlining the novelty and advantages of your work. Finally, acknowledge the limitations of your study and suggest avenues for future research.

5. Data availability statement:

(Include your data availability statement here.)

6. Details of Ethical clearance:

(Include details of ethical clearance, if applicable, here.)

7. References

All references must be provided with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number or a publication URL. Ensure that less than 25 references are included, with at least 90% of them published between 2020 and 2024. Avoid citing multiple papers in a single instance (e.g., [1, 2, 3]). Instead, cite the single most relevant and recent publication.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Manuscript Length: The main text of your manuscript should be concise, ranging from 5 to 6 pages, excluding figures and tables.
  • Figures and Tables: The total number of figures and tables should be less than 10.
  • Originality: All figures and tables must be original and of high resolution. The manuscript must be free from plagiarism.
  • File Format: Submit your manuscript as a plain Word file (docx) in a single-column format. Do not use a double-column layout or journal-specific templates. Exclude headers, footers, and any other unnecessary display elements.
  • Formulae/Equations: All formulae and equations should be created directly within the Word file using MathType or similar editable software to ensure they are editable.
  • Figure Grouping: If a figure has multiple parts (e.g., a, b, c), group them together within a single picture frame so they can be moved as a unit.

Journal Information:

By adhering to these guidelines, you will contribute to the timely and efficient publication of your valuable research in “Tit-Bits.

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