Author Guidelines

NGMCPUB Publication Guidelines

The following guidelines outline the mandatory criteria for manuscript submissions to NGMCPUB, a publication division of the Department of Library at Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Pollachi. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in manuscript rejection.

Submission Requirements:

  • File Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc) format.
  • Cover Letter: Each submission requires a cover letter. Please refer to the “Cover Letter” section below for specific requirements.
  • Formatting: Manuscripts must be formatted in a single column, using 12-point Times New Roman font. Maintain a simple and consistent layout.
  • Equations and Formulae: Equations and formulae should be clear and readable. Ideally, use equation editing software (e.g., MathType). If using other methods, the fonts used must be provided.
  • Figures: All figures must be high-resolution, preferably at 300 dpi.
  • References: References must adhere to the Vancouver Style of Referencing.

Manuscript Structure:

Submissions should adhere to the following chronological structure:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Keywords
  4. Introduction
  5. Concept Headings (including statistical methodology, if applicable)
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusion
  8. Acknowledgements (if any)
  9. References

Cover Letter Requirements:

The cover letter, written by the corresponding author, must explicitly state the manuscript’s suitability for publication in NGMCPUB. The letter must include the full names (and preferably signatures) of all authors, affirming that the manuscript has not been published or submitted elsewhere. If the submitting author is a student, the submission must be pre-approved by their institution or department.

Electronic Submission:

Please submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word (.doc) format. For any submission difficulties or file suitability concerns, contact us at

Detailed Manuscript Guidelines:

  • Title: Titles must be concise, specific to the article’s topic, and avoid abbreviations. Use title case (capitalize all words except prepositions, articles, and conjunctions). Botanical names should be italicized.
    • Example: An Experimental Study of Classification Algorithms for Crime Prediction
  • Author Names and Affiliations: Provide full first and last names for each author, including any middle initial. Clearly state each author’s department, institution, city, state, and country. Designate a corresponding author with an asterisk (*) and include only this author’s email address. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the author list and summary of each author’s study contributions.
  • Abstract and Keywords: The abstract, limited to 300 words, should introduce the research. Briefly mention the techniques/samples used as well as any modifications to established methods and summarizing the most significant results. Avoid citations and abbreviations where possible. The abstract must include these four sub-headings:
    • Objectives:
    • Methods:
    • Findings:
    • Novelty:
    • Keywords: Provide 4-6 keywords, written in title case and separated by commas. Avoid general, plural, or multiple concepts (e.g., avoid “of” and “and”.
  • Headings: Use Arabic numerals to number headings for better organization (e.g., 1. Introduction; 1.1 Method A). Use title case, except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions. Italicize botanical names.
  • Abbreviations: Define all abbreviations on first use within the text, with the abbreviation in parentheses. Example: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Units and Symbols: Use symbols for Greek letters (e.g., α, β, µ). All measurements must conform to the International System of Units (SI).
  • Figures:
    • Format and Resolution: Submit high-resolution figures in TIFF, JPEG, or EPS format, with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi.
    • File Size: File sizes must not exceed 20 MB.
    • File Naming: Name figure files using the format “Fig [number]_[AuthorLastName]”. Example: “Fig 1_Marley”.
    • Figure Submission: Upload figure files as supplementary files during the manuscript submission process (step 4). Upload files sequentially, ensuring the correct figure order.
    • Citation: Figures must be cited in the text, with the desired insertion locations clearly marked.
    • Figure Captions: Provide short (10-15 words), sentence-case figure captions at the end of the manuscript. Example: “Figure 1. Percentage of detection rate vs. number of nodes.”
    • Permissions: Prior to submission, authors must acquire permission for any copyrighted figures or tables.

Figures and Tables

All figures included in your submission must be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CCAL). This license allows for the free use, distribution, and modification of your figures, provided that proper attribution is given to the original creator. Do not submit copyrighted figures unless you have obtained explicit written permission from the copyright holder to publish them under the CCAL.

Tables should be incorporated directly into the text file at the end of your article. Each table must have a concise title and should be labeled sequentially (e.g., “Table 1. Stimulation Settings.”). Footnotes may be used to explain abbreviations and other relevant details. Avoid creating tables that span multiple pages.


Individuals who contributed to the research but do not qualify for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgments section. Please specify their contributions. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all individuals named in the Acknowledgments have consented to being included.


Only published or formally accepted manuscripts should be included in your reference list. Do not cite meeting abstracts, conference presentations, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted for publication.

In-text citations should be numbered sequentially, indicated by bracketed numbers (e.g., [1], [2], [3]). The citation style used should follow the Vancouver style. Please refer to the Vancouver Style of Referencing guidelines for further guidance.

The reference list itself should appear at the end of your manuscript, labeled “References.” It should include only the works you have cited in your text and be ordered numerically according to the citation sequence (e.g., [1], [2], [3]). Each entry in the reference list must include a DOI number or a direct URL link to the publication.

Production Process Overview

Upon acceptance, the production team of the Indian Journal of Science and Technology will contact the authors. The manuscript will undergo editing and scrutiny for any missing elements or inconsistencies. Authors will be contacted by the production team to provide any missing information or to address any identified issues. This stage represents the final opportunity for authors to submit manuscript amendments. After the edited files are finalized, the manuscript will proceed to typesetting to generate the first proofs. Authors will receive proof copies for review and to address any remaining queries. Please refrain from submitting corrections during the proof stage. Your cooperation with the production team will ensure smooth workflow and timely publication of the journal issue.

Author Pre-Submission Checklist

Before submitting your article, please ensure that the following items have been completed. If you encounter any difficulties during the submission process, please contact us at or

  • A cover letter is included with all author names.
  • The manuscript adheres to all specified guidelines.
  • All author affiliations are provided.
  • The corresponding author’s email address is included.
  • All figures and tables are referenced within the manuscript text.
  • All figures have been uploaded to the online submission platform.

Changes Made

  • More Direct Language: Phrases like “are requested to” have been replaced with stronger, more direct verbs (e.g., “must,” “should”).
  • Clearer Structure: The sections were reorganized slightly for a more logical flow.
  • Conciseness: Redundant phrasing has been removed.
  • Professional Tone: The tone is more formal and authoritative.
  • Emphasis: Key requirements, such as the CCAL and the reference style, are emphasized.
  • Bullet Points: The checklist is presented as a clear list