Towards Achieving Cleaner Air and Improved Health: An Overview of the Current Situation, Challenges Faced, and Key Priorities



Health, Current Situation, Air Quality


Ambient air pollution is a critical public health challenge globally, causing approximately 5.2 million premature deaths annually. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of air quality, the barriers to accurately estimating exposure and associated health risks, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, and among vulnerable populations. It emphasizes the need for interdisciplinary research, evidence-based interventions, and robust risk communication strategies. The review also highlights the importance of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Global Air Quality Guidelines established by the World Health Organization (WHO).


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World Health Organization. (2021). Air Quality Guidelines: Global Update 2021.

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. (2020). Global Burden of Disease Study: Air Pollution Data.

Health Effects Institute. (2019). State of Global Air 2019.




How to Cite

Towards Achieving Cleaner Air and Improved Health: An Overview of the Current Situation, Challenges Faced, and Key Priorities. (2024). Academic Research Journal of Science and Technology (ARJST), 1(04), 91-96.

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